Interview Mayra Andrade

Mayra Andrade

Dateline \\ 31 jan2020

Entrevista  Mayra Andrade – Portugues

No dia 7 de novembro de 2019, a cantora Cabo-verdiana Mayra Andrade,  deu um grande concerto no clube Annabel em Roterdão. Durante a sua visita, a Nosagenda Magazine  teve a oportunidade de conversar com a cantora sobre diversos temas, como por exemplo a sua cerreira artistica, mais concretamente o último álbum Manga, suas origens e o ímpacto da emigração nas suas músicas e na sua personalidade. Além de cantora e compositora, falou também do seu importante papel como Embaixadora das Nações Unidas. Vale a pena ler esta entrevista, na íntegra, na segunda edição de Nosagenda Magazine!

Interview Mayra Andrade – English

On November 7, 2019, Mayra Andrade gave an impressive concert in the Rotterdam pop venue Annabel. During the visit to Rotterdam, Nosagenda Magazine spoke with this Cape Verdean singer about various topics. Obviously, her music career and the successful album Manga were discussed. Mayra also spoke about her father and the impact of migration on her music and her personality. Next to her work as a singer, Mayra is an ambassador for the United Nations, this special and important role in the society is also discussed. This interview is really worth reading in the second edition of the Nosagenda Magazine!

Interview Mayra Andrade – Nederlands.

Op 7 November 2019 gaf Mayra Andrade een indrukwekkend concert in het Rotterdamse poppodium Annabel. Tijdens het bezoek aan de Maasstad sprak Nosagenda Magazine met deze Kaapverdiaanse zangeres over uiteenlopende onderwerpen. Vanzelfsprekend kwamen haar muziek carrière en het succesvolle album Manga ter sprake. Mayra sprak ook over haar vader en de impact van migratie op haar muziek en haar persoonlijkheid. Naast haar werk als zangeres is Mayra ambassadrice voor de Verenigde Naties, deze bijzondere en belangrijke maatschappelijke rol komt ook ter sprake in het gesprek. Dit interview is echt de moeite waard om te lezen in de tweede editie van het Nosagenda Magazine!

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