Dateline \\ 15 feb 2020
Entrevista Patone Lobo – proprietário Hotel Odjo d’Agua
No início de outubro de 2019, a equipe da Nosagenda Magazine visitou a ilha do Sal em Cabo Verde. O objetivo desta visita foi apresentar a Revista Nosagenda à comunidade local, empreendedores e turistas. Na Santa Maria, também tivemos a oportunidade de entrevistar o empresário Patone Lobo sobre a sua carreira impressionante na indústria hoteleira de Sal. Uma carreira que começou logo após a independência de Cabo Verde em 1975. O nome da família Lobo está obviamente ligado à música. Na entrevista, Patone Lobo explica como a música cabo-verdiana esta integrada no seu hotel Odjo d’Agua. Além de sua visão sobre turismo sustentável e empreendedorismo, Patone Lobo também compartilha seus pontos de vista sobre questões sociais. Conheça esta personalidade impressionante na segunda edição da revista Nosagenda!
Interview Patone Lobo – founder Hotel Odjo d’Agua
At the start of October 2019, the Nosagenda Magazine team visited the island of Sal on Cape Verde. The purpose of this visit was to present Nosagenda Magazine to the local community, entrepreneurs and tourists. In the sunny Santa Maria we also had the opportunity to interview entrepreneur Patone Lobo about his impressive career in the hotel industry of Sal. A career that began just after the independency in 1975. The Lobo family name is obviously linked to music. In the interview, Patone Lobo explains how Cape Verdean music comes to life in his hotel Odjo d’Agua. Next to his vision on sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship, Patone Lobo also shares his views on social issues. Meet this impressive personality in the second edition of the Nosagenda Magazine!
Interview Patone Lobo – oprichter Hotel Odjo d’Agua
Begin oktober 2019 bezocht het team van Nosagenda Magazine het eiland Sal op Kaapverdië. Dit bezoek had als doel het presenteren van Nosagenda Magazine aan de lokale gemeenschap, ondernemers en toeristen. In het zonnige Santa Maria hebben we ook de kans gekregen om ondernemer Patone Lobo te interviewen over zijn indrukwekkende loopbaan in de hotelbranche op Sal. Een loopbaan die vlak na de onafhankelijkheid in 1975 begon. De familienaam Lobo is natuurlijk verbonden met muziek. In het interview vertelt Patone Lobo hoe de Kaapverdische muziek tot leven komt in zijn hotel Odjo d’Agua. Naast zijn visie over duurzaam toerisme en ondernemerschap, deelt Patone Lobo ook zijn standpunten over sociaal-maatschappelijke thema’s. Maak kennis met deze indrukwekkende persoonlijkheid in de tweede editie van het Nosagenda Magazine!
Interview 15-02-2020
Mayra Andrade
Interview 31-01-2020
Elsa Delgado
Interview 07-05-2019
Suzy Almada
Interview 30-06-2019
Interview 29-06-2019
Elga de Pina Fernandes
Interview 07-05-2019
From different artists, events and activity organizers who have background or interest in Cape Verdean culture.
This is exactly what Nosagenda stands for: to be a platform that centralizes our Cape Verdean activities while motivating and inspiring people to connect in celebration of our culture.
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